
General practice (GP) General practitioners (GPs) treat all common medical conditions and refer patients to hospitals and other medical services for urgent and specialist treatment. They focus on the health of the whole person combining physical, psychological, and social aspects of care.

Dr Lynne Rees, GP Partner (f)

Specialises in Dermatology (skin conditions), Women's Health, Contraception and Respiratory Medicine.

Dr Milos Pechtor, GP Partner (m)

Specialises in Musculoskeletal (muscle and bones) Disorders, Minor Surgery, Sports Medicine and Medical Student Training.

Dr Katy Owens, GP Partner (f)

Specialising in Adult/Child Safeguarding. Welsh speaker.

Dr Marged Jenkins, GP Partner (f)

Specialising in elderly care and dementia.

Dr Caitlin Awadalla, GP Partner (f)

Dr Anwen Roberts (f) Salaried GP

Dr Adam Crewe (m)

Dr Ahmed Elsemary